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Moscow Grand Prix 2017

12 Feb 2017 at 16:18
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Time for competitions has started! Gymnasts are ready to show their new routines hoping to win and to become the best! Most competitions are annual traditions. For example, Moscow Grand Prix is a significant event for gymnasts from all over the world. This year this magnificent championship is taking place on February 17-19.

Moscow Grand Prix is an event for senior gymnasts. They can perform either individually or in a group. We are sure all performances are going to be brilliant.

This year our company, Gymnastics Fantastic, is a sponsor of Moscow Grand Prix. Visit this event and be able to buy all sport stuff of the highest quality. 


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Competition Leotards, Girl with the dragon tattoo, pic 1 Competition Leotards, Girl with the dragon tattoo, pic 2

$ 257

Competition Leotards, Midsummer Night's Dream, pic 1 Competition Leotards, Midsummer Night's Dream, pic 2

$ 266

Midsummer Night's Dream


Competition Leotards, Moonrise Kingdom, pic 1 Competition Leotards, Moonrise Kingdom, pic 2

$ 227

Moonrise Kingdom


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